Simon Moynihan
Staff Writer has won the best Financial Services award at the 2011 Eircom Spiders!

We're generally a humble enough bunch, but every once in a while the time comes to blow the company trumpet cool

We've been online for 18 months now and in that time we've strived to create and maintain the best service we can. We are delighted to receive such a prestigious award and we know that it wouldn't have been possible without the support of everyone who uses

The Eircom Spiders ceremony was presented by Dara O Briain in the Dublin Convention Center and the Financial Services category included heavy hitters like Bank of Ireland, KBC Bank Ireland, RaboDirect and SortMyBooks.

We're absolutely thrilled to have won the Financial Services category because we feel that it recognizes the effort we've put in to developing a service that really can help people make the most of their money.

Thank you all very much!!